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Alle RückmeldungenWe went back for our second time at Adventure Team, and we were happy to find it was even better the second time.
Three of us did "They Stole a Million", and we were especially impressed by the quality of the puzzle design, the excellent story and atmosphere that immersed us from the very first moment, and the intelligent way they handle clues (I think they have mics + cameras, which means they knew exactly where we were and could craft hints in a thematic, indirect and very satisfying way).
Special props to our game master, Steffi, for the thematic and subtle hints (which were exactly what we were after), and a great discussion afterwards about what we most enjoyed/what we thought could be improved.
Diebstahl in der Hansestadt!Die weltweit bekannteste Briefmarkensammlung "die blauen Mauritien" befindet sich derzeit in einer Sonderausstellung im Hamburger Kunstmuseum. Unter Kunstsammlern sind die Mauritien eine der begehrtesten Kunstobjekte der Welt.
Der extravagante Kunstliebhaber "Mr.Pink" hat es auf die wertvollen Briefmarken abgesehen. Er benötigt ein Team aus hochprofessionellen, top ausgebildeten Spezialisten um einen Diebstahl der Extraklasse zu begehen. Der Diebstahl der Blauen Mauritien aus dem Hamburger Kunstmuseum!